Japaneae page

Plant species distribution maps
Construction and management
Data sources (Japanese page)
Research information
The PRDB is a database of vegetation survey (relevé) conducted throughout Japan using the phytosociological method. Relevé data in the PRDB consists of the location (geographic mesh code), elevation, topography and other site information, hierarchical structure, species name and dominance of the vegetation, etc. Maps of plant distribution created using the PRDB are available on the website
Location of relevés with the second-mesh code Location of relevés with the third-mesh code

Citation information:
Tanaka, N. and Matsui, T. (2007-) PRDB: Phytosociological Relevé Database, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
URL: http://www.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/labs/prdb/index.html

last updated: 2021.08.26