Plant species distribution map based on PRDB (PRDB Map)


Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino & Shibata (Graminae)
Dwarf bamboo, abundantly growing in the floor of deciduous forests in cool-temperate zone.
Retrieval results for Sasa kurilensis in Phytosociological Relevé Database.
Dominance scale: '+' or more (Present)
 Total number of relevés = 2906
 Net number of grid codes
  Code for JIS second grid = 1499
  Code for JIS third grid = 312
  Elevation unconfirmed = 37
Dominance scale '4' or more (Dominant)
 Total number of relevés = 447
 Net number of grid codes
  Code for JIS second grid = 324
  Code for JIS third grid = 47
  Elevation unconfirmed = 8

Index page     Top page of PRDB      last updated: 2020.02.12