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Update:December 16, 2013

21st International Wood Machining Seminar

This seminar was held successfully.

About the Seminar


The 21st International Wood Machining Seminar (IWMS-21) will be held August 4-7, 2013 at EPOCHAL TSUKUBA, Tsukuba, Japan. This seminar is the 21st in a series that began in 1963 at California, USA to provide a forum for researchers and practicing engineers to present and discuss recent advances in wood machining.

The seminar will feature technical and scientific presentations and discussions on: Cutting process, Tool materials and tool wear, Advances in sawing technology, Planing, Molding, Routing, Sanding, Novel wood products processing, etc.

An optional post-seminar tour will be organized. The conference language is English.



August 4th (Sunday) – 7th (Wednesday), 2013


Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA)
2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0032, Japan

Hotel Grand Shinonome
URL: http://www.hg-shinonome.co.jp/english/


Registration fees

OECD* members

JPY 50,000


JPY 40,000


JPY 25,000

Registration fee includes: Welcome Reception, Proceeding, In-seminar Tour, Banquet, Lunch, and Coffee Break

*OECD members: http://www.oecd.org/about/membersandpartners/


August 4 Registration, Welcome Reception
August 5


Keynote Address

“Searching for New Figure of Wood Industry and Wood Utilization in Japan”

Motoaki Okuma

President, Association of Japanese Agricultural Scientific Societies (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)

Technical Sessions (Oral, Poster)

August 6 Technical Sessions (Oral), In-seminar Tour, Banquet
August 7 Technical Sessions (Oral), Conference Closing
August 8–10 Post-Seminar Tour (Optional)


Technical Tours

On August 6, an in-seminar tour will be organized to visit the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) and a wood processing factory.

An optional post seminar tour will also be offered to all seminar participants and accompanying persons. This guided tour will visit some wood products manufacturers in north Kanto region and Nikko which is a world heritage. It will be finished in Tokyo or Tsukuba on the evening of August 10.

Post-seminar tour schedule (tentative) (PDF:33KB)

Post-seminar tour fee

JPY 35,000.


  • The 21st IWMS Organizing Committee
  • Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)
  • Research Group on Mechanical Processing, The Japan Wood Research Society
  • Division of Sawmilling and Machining, Wood Technological Association of Japan
  • IUFRO 5.04.08 - Sawing, milling and machining


*The 21st International Wood Machining Seminar gratefully acknowledges the financial support for this seminar from IUFRO-J, Forest fund of National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization, Tsukuba EXPO’85 Memorial Foundation, and Tsukuba Tourism and Convention Association.


IWMS-21 Secretariat
Sawmilling and Machining Lab.
Email: iwms21@ffpri.affrc.go.jp

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